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瑞典隆德大学社会学系Axel Fredholm系列讲座


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Axel Fredholm (PhD, Senior Lecturer in Lund University)


Development studies

Everyday life in school

Workplace violence


Dr. Fredholm received his PhD in Sociology at Lund University in 2008. His current position is Senior Lecturer in Sociology with teaching assignments in development studies, migration, environmental sociology and social policy. His main research experience covers community development, participatory development and natural resource utilization in relation to social transformation and political change, mostly in developing countries. He has worked as research consultant for the CGIAR in the development of methods for impact assessment of agricultural and environmental projects in developing countries, and has field experience from research on privatization of canal irrigation and participatory processes of community development in Indonesia. At present, he conducts research on everyday life and teacher-student relationships in Swedish schools. The impact of workplace violence on interpersonal relationships at workplaces in Sweden is a further area of research.  


讲座一 622日(周四)19:00理科五号楼201教室

Researching participatory development: The aim and findings of “Beyond the Catchwords” 

This lecture provides an example of how research can contribute to a better understanding of the outcome participatory development processes. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Indonesia in 2004-06, the lecture focuses on the impact of popular participation at rural level and pays attention to what people actually do when they are invited to participate in development planning. Emphasis is given to specific areas such as community development and irrigation management. The lecture draws on research conducted and published by the presenter.


Rural Development: theory, context and research

This lecture introduces on some of the major trends of thinking in the field of rural development. Emphasis is given to key ideas and theoretical examples that have influenced the notion of rural development in the contemporary development discourse. In addition, the lecture focuses on some of the most pertinent challenges that researchers are facing today when doing rural research and provides a glimpse of the main attributes of the rural sector in various parts of the world.   


People-centered and participatory development in theory and practice

This lecture focuses on the conceptual and theoretical framework of participatory development. The lecture introduces some of the main goals of beneficiary participation in development projects and pays attention to theoretical assumptions of the broader notion of people-centered development. It also focuses in the criticism that has been raised against the idea of participation in the current development discourse and looks closer at some of methodological features of participatory processes.    
