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Social Inequalities in Adolescent Health Behaviours


E:\1 外事\3.威斯尼斯人娱乐app海外学者讲学计划\2018\Hannah.jpg

Hannah Littlecott (Cardiff University, UK)




主讲人:Hannah Littlecott (英国卡迪夫大学)


时间:2018-4-10(周二)   18:30-20:00








Dr. Hannah Littlecott is a Research Associate based at DECIPHer (Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Public Health Interventions). Her research interests are focused on the effect of school organisation and health improvement activity on students' health behaviours and inequality. Much of Hannah's research investigates the synergy between health and educational outcomes in an attempt to align health with the "core business" of schools. She is also interested in the conceptualisation of schools as complex adaptive systems through employing mixed methodology, including social network analysis, qualitative interviewing and statistical analysis.




This lecture will focus on socioeconomic inequality and its implications for health and wellbeing among adolescents. The lecture will begin by defining socioeconomic inequalities and discussing the benefits and limitations of universal versus targeted interventions. Next. two examples of school-based interventions designed to tackle inequalities in health and education will be presented; school breakfast clubs and the School Holiday Enrichment Programme.

The lecture will then present some examples of research using survey data to investigate inequalities in adolescent health. These include the following analyses: the association between the implementation of school health improvement activity and inequality in educational outcomes, the composition and culture of schools and its association with health and a comparison of the link between school-level versus family-level socioeconomic status and health.


社会学系海外学者讲座系列-2018年第2  总第30


