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讲座|Gender and Transportation: A New Research Direction




Professor Hilda Rømer Christensen

Department of Sociology,

University of Copenhagen, Denmark




时间:201956 15:00-17:00





Dr. Hilda Rømer Christensen is associated professor and head of the Coordination for Gender Research at University of Copenhagen.  She has written extensively on gender, culture, religion, welfare and citizenship in comparative perspectives. ) From 2010 she is a member of the committee for Welfare and Innovation at the Sino-Danish University Centre in Beijing and heads a research project  focused on World Dynamics in Micro Perspectives: (Re)making middle Class Families, China – Denmark, including housing, mobility and transport.  Currently she co-ordinates the scientific network Gendering smart Mobilities in the Nordic Region 2017-2018 and from 2019  she is the scientific coordinator for the Horizon 2020  funded project: TINNGO focused on smart mobilities in the EU. ( 2018-2021)



All over the world governments are currently in the 21st century, confronted with mounting and demanding challenges in the field of connecting transport, sustainability and mobility for all. An area of critical importance for sustainable and gender fair development is mobility and transport, which has so far been neglected and downplayed in research and policy making both in China and in the West. This presentation will discuss various qualitative methodologies in transport research related to gender, transport and sustainability and outline an approach to more inclusive and sustainable mobility for all. The presentation includes reflections on smart cities and connected ideas of smart cars and smart biking and smart walking. How can such developments be sustained and included in future plans of green mobility for all?



海外学者讲座系列2019年第4  总第42