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预告 | 海外学者访问研究计划:Lisa Eklund师生交流会


Parenting Strategies around Young Children’s Education in Urban China – Intensive, Responsible and Stratifying?


E:\1 外事\3.威斯尼斯人娱乐app海外学者讲学计划\2019\2019-05 瑞典隆德大学Lisa Eklund\Photo Lisa Eklund.jpg


主讲:Lisa Eklund(瑞典隆德大学社会学系 副教授

对谈:刘能(威斯尼斯人娱乐app社会学系 副系主任、教授)

      佟新(威斯尼斯人娱乐app社会学系 教授)

时间:2019.06.03    12:00-13:30


语言:英文+中文 (主讲人中文流利)


海外学者访问研究计划丨师生交流会  2019年第1 总第1




Lisa Eklund is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden. Her research engages with questions pertaining to gender, sociology of the family, and population and social policy, with a special focus on China. Her most recent publications include: “Understanding the heterogeneity of bachelors in high sex ratios settings: an exploratory study in rural Shaanxi, China” (2019), “Filial daughter? Filial son? How China’s young urban elite negotiate intergenerational relations” (2018), ”Children's rights and gender equality in Swedish parenting support: policy and practice” (2018), “The Bio-Politics of Population Control and Sex Selective Abortion in China and India” (2017), and “Resituating parenthood: Emerging subjects and shifting power relations in Urban East Asian families” (2016).



This project investigates the empirical realities of shifting norms and practices around young children’s education in urban East Asia. In particular, it examines how parenting strategies are entangled with aspirations for human capital accumulation and upward social mobility, as well as the best interest of the child.


Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Beijing, the paper outlines ways in which parents’ strategies around their children’s cognitive and academic development are motivated, negotiated and prioritised and how parents navigate through compromises, sacrifices and contestations to realise these strategies. Working with the concepts of intensive motherhood, responsible parenting and stratified reproduction it serves to illuminate ways in which parenting cultures both reflect and reproduce inequalities not only with regards to gender and class, but also with regards to intergenerational relations. Preliminary findings suggest that among some upper middle-class families, the “interest of the child” is taking precedent over human capital accumulation, which gives a different meaning to responsible parenting, but at the same adds to intensive motherhood by balancing demands on children’s mental and emotional wellbeing and demands on cultivating and nurturing their skills and knowledge.


The study is part of a larger comparative ethnographic study on parenting strategies around children’s education in Beijing, Seoul and Singapore.


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