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助理教授范新光研究成果获2020年度IPUMS Global Health Research Award


社会学系助理教授范新光及其合作者在2020年发表于国际人口学期刊Demographic Research的论文“Intimate partner violence and contraceptive use in developing countries: How does the relationship depend on context?”获得2020年度IPUMS Global Health Research Award。这也是第一次国内高校学者的研究获得IPUMS Research Awards的认可。


这一研究尝试回答家庭暴力和生育行为之间的关系。以往研究发现,在不同的国家,家庭暴力和生育行为之间的关系并不一致,但对这一跨国差异的现象缺乏解释。运用IPUMS DHS的多国别数据,这一研究提出了社会环境(反家暴法律和女性赋权)作为解答这一难题的关键,发现反家暴法律制定和女性赋权水平的提高弱化了家庭暴力对生育的负向影响。这一研究对于从家庭关系和宏观社会环境角度理解生育行为和意愿提供了实证检验和政策建议。



“Fan and Loria resolve a puzzle in prior research on intimate partner violence (IPV): Why is the relationship between IPV and contraceptive use negative in some countries and positive in others? Using 30 IPUMS DHS samples from 17 countries, the authors demonstrate that the relationship between IPV and family planning is modified by macro contextual factors, including legal prohibitions and national levels of female empowerment. This study stands out not just for answering an important social science question but also in its creative use of the broad range of information collected in the DHS, including variables on contraceptive use and type, family size preferences, husband-wife disagreement on fertility goals, various indicators of women’s status (e.g., education, employment, decision-making), and domestic violence. In addition, the authors draw on IPUMS DHS variables to determine the direction of causality: from the experience of IPV to increased contraceptive use, rather than from contraceptive use to increased incidence of IPV.ta from IPUMS DHS, with informative maps displaying findings across countries and regions.”https://ipums.org/impact/ipums-research-award


IPMUSIntegrated Public Use Microdata Series)是全球最大的微观人口数据机构,在过去25年与全球超过100个国家的统计机构合作,对多国家的人口普查、健康调查等大型调查和普查数据进行整合,促进社会和经济变迁的跨国研究,已成为了国际人口、健康、不平等等领域的主要微观数据来源之一。自2010年,IPUMS设立Research Award,授予使用IPUMS数据的优秀研究工作(已发表研究和学生论文)。