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Current Sociology杂志主编工作坊:如何在国际刊物发文?



How to publish your locally based research in an international journal?


Martín 教授是巴西里约热内卢联邦大学社会学的终身教授,她的研究领域主要是宗教社会学。她是国际社会学会(ISA)官方杂志Current Sociology的主编,并曾是多个国际刊物的联合创始人和编辑,自2009年以来,她在拉美、欧洲、亚洲和非洲多地进行有关如何在国际刊物发表学术成果的培训工作坊。此次Martín 教授来我系举行工作坊,是她亚洲巡回工作坊的第一站,她将与师生们分享在国际期刊上发表学术成果的详细经验和策略。随后她还将前往韩国、日本开展系列工作坊

主讲人:Eloísa Martín Editor of Current Sociology)

As editor of Current Sociology, she has been developing training workshops of academic skills in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa since 2009.She was a co-founder and the editor of Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião (Social Sciences andReligion) from 1999 to 2010; associated editor of Sociedade & Estado (State &Society) from 2008 to 2011. Now she is a tenured Professor of Sociology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, and the co-chair of SEPHIS-the South-South Exchange Programme for the Research on the History of Development. She has been elected vice-president (2007-2009) of the Association of Social Scientists of Religion in Mercosur (ACSRM), and now she is Secretary/Treasurer of the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Sociology of Religion (2014-2018).


讲座简介: International publication has its specific challenges, different from national or regional journals. In this lecture, we will discuss why is important to submit to international journals, how to choose the right journal for your research, and which are the main expectations of international journals regarding the basic standards for publishing. The main goal of this lecture is to help potential authors to prepare their research papers for an international audience. 





嘉宾:韩相震(HAN Sang-Jin,韩国国立首尔大学荣誉教授)