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20075月, "Understanding Health and Population over Times: Strengthening Capacity in Longitudinal Data Collection and Analysis in Asia and the Pacific Region", "Introduction to Panel Study on Education of Migrant Children in China", Bangkok, Thailand;

20057月, Urban China Research Network(UCRN), "Chinese Cities in Transition: The Next Generation of Urban Research", "Who Are Re-migrants", Shanghai, China;

200412月, Urban China Research Network(UCRN), "In the City: the next Generation of Urban Research",“流动儿童心理状况与社会整合”, Hong kong, China;

20014, 联合国儿童基金会与全国妇女儿童工作委员会组织的 "Migration and Children" 研讨会,“流动人口的归属与权利”,福建福州; 

20014Asian MetaCentre for Population & Sustainable Development Analysis Centre for Advanced Studies Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, "Migration and the 'Asian Family' in A Globalising World", "Out Migrant and Household – Analysis Based on 1992’s Survey Conducted by Family Planning Commission of China", 新加坡。